Monday, September 2, 2013

Of Smoothies and Muesli

Being sick and stuck on the couch makes for a bad deal when you are the author of a blog entitled "Because Life's A Party". Sigh... But I'm back, and hopefully, back with a vengeance, guys!

SO! I've decided to give in and go with the flow...and start making Recipes a part of my blog from time to time. For a Certified Food Fan, I've resisted temptation long enough and I'd love to share my great food experiences with you guys, because for me, food is one of the most fantastic parts of life and what's a party without food and drink?!

So, here's a simple one to start out with: a smoothie. It was the only thing I could manage to prepare and keep down one of the days I was stuck on the couch feeling sick and sorry for myself.

Blueberry-Banana Smoothie


A handful blueberries
One banana
A few teaspoons agave syrup
Chilled vanilla soy milk

Blend all ingredients. If you're really lazy, a hand blender will do. Feel free to vary the proportions of the ingredients according to taste. Pour over ice and top with a festive straw. Easy peesy and healthy! You can obviously use any kind of fruit for the smoothie. Strawberries or raspberry-banana are some delicious alternatives. But the vanilla soy milk really made all the difference for me.

While we're on the subject of healthy eating while being sick, I also made a simple kind of low-carb muesli using chocolate, almonds, raisins and red lentils (yes, lentils!). I got the inspiration for the recipe from this website althought mine is an infinitely easier version. Or lazier version, is probably more like it.

Low-Carb Muesli


A handful or more of chopped, toasted almonds
A similar sized handful of chopped quality dark chocolate ( I used 85%)
A handful of raisins or sultanas
A cup of red lentils

Soak the lentils in water for at least an hour though preferrably longer, then spread on baking sheet and bake at around 180 C for 15-20 minutes or until the lentils look popped or flakey.
Mix all ingredients and store in an airtight container.

It tastes great over skyr (Icelandic yoghurt high on protein and low in fat) with a teaspoon of agave syrup-

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